3 Ways to Prepare for the Holidays

Hi Friend,

Can you believe we’re already almost at the end of 2024? This year has gone by way too fast. 

With the holiday’s approaching, you’re probably starting to feel a lot of emotions. Maybe you’re excited about seeing loved ones but maybe you’re feeling a little bit of dread because you can already hear the questions on repeat about your love life. Maybe you’re excited to watch all the holiday movies or maybe the loneliness has crept in so much so that you try to avoid this season all together (bah-humbug?). Sometimes, we feel a little bit of all of it, excitement and sadness, joy and hope deferred.

So, how do you prepare yourself for the season ahead? I’m here to help!

First, I recommend setting boundaries for what the holidays will look like for you. In my life, I set very hard boundaries with what I’m willing to share and what I’m not willing to share and who I’m willing and not willing to share with. Just because you love your family doesn’t always mean they have the ability or capacity to care for the vulnerable places of your heart. In my book Single and Fulfilled, I have conversational tools that can help you when you’re asking the, “are you seeing anyone” question for the 15th time at a family function. I also take time to create boundaries for myself. Practically, it looks like not watching the Hallmark channel. Not only do I hate cringe, it doesn’t help me emotionally to watch stuff like that. You may have no problem with romantic holiday movies but it just isn’t for me so I make sure to guard myself and choose to opt out when someone suggests it for movie night. Whatever your boundaries are, make sure you make them ahead of time so you have the resolve to hold on to them when they’re tested.

Second, put stuff on the calendar that you can look forward to. I intentionally make plans with friends so I’m not home alone dwelling on the fact that I’m single for another holiday. Just yesterday, I was on the phone with my best friends little girl and we were making plans to go to Zoolights this Christmas. I can’t wait for that. Maybe you can find a concert or a show or a movie you’ve been dying to see. Put things on the calendar that you can look forward to so the holiday season doesn’t feel like an endless season of the disappointment of unfulfilled dreams.

Third, get involved with your church or community. It’s really hard to feel sorry for yourself when you are serving others. I’m sure there are plenty of opportunities in your city to volunteer at a food bank or shelter, maybe a coat drive or visit the elderly in a home where they don’t get many visitors. Check in with your church to see how you can get involved in showing the love of Christ to others that could be feeling the way you are this season.

For some of us, the holidays are just another reminder of what we don’t have yet but long for. I pray these three things will help you make the most of the holidays this year and bring life and joy into your heart while you keep believing for your heart’s desires to become a reality.

All my love,



But Even If Not, He Is Still Good.


The “In Between”